2021 Resolotions

2 min readDec 26, 2020

Last year, i made some wishes, one is to read a book every week. I still haven’t tackled them, but at least i can see where i was stuck. I also had some success in the course of 2020. Here are what i’m thankful for the year:

  1. Having my first real job.
  2. Building an online shop.
  3. Not being crazy.
  4. More knowledge.

It doesn’t sound so much, but that’s enough for me. Not being mad is actually got me enough.

So, back to the topic: what do i wish to become in 2021.

Firstly, I want to rebuild my writing habit. It’s the best and easiest way to be better everyday, and also to gain more mental health. I hope i can write every afternoon, before/after praying Maghrib. I don’t expect to write 1000 words or anything, but at least i can nail my butt to get some paragraph out of my mind. That way, i’ll be burnt out or anything, while still keeping my commitment. I also want to learn anything with a method that i found on yutub where you simply learn by explaining what you wanna learn. When you fail, you have to go back and learn it all over, and if you’re able to explain it without hesitation, then you win!

I also wanted to be able to make a you tube video once a week. Why would i do that? I don’t exactly know why. But I’ve come to learn that the more i do, the more time i create (more like a conspiracy), and the better i’d become. And that’s a good reason isn’t it? Another reason is that want to get rid of my guilt for buying a camera and not using it (it’s the most expensive thing i own, in fact). In the other hand, it’ll also connected with the writing, I can do one or combined writing for my content.

The third, i want to have more self discipline, in every aspect of my life. Erich Fromm explained through his book, The Art of Love, that in order to be succeed in love, one have to be a self discipline. That’s when I realized why am I single over the course of my life. So, I want to make a self discipline in praying, work, sleep, etc.

That’s all for now.

